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We're excited to share the launch of our spring campaign, Gift A Playlist!
Give the gift of meaningful music to a loved one living with dementia that could help bring back memories.
Rendlesham Radio
Playlist for Life
We have been working with Playlist for Life and the Alzheimer's society for some time, developing resources to help people living with dementia and those who care for them. We have an extensive library of songs going back over the years and we build a personal playlist for you to keep and play to your loved ones. We may also play them on our radio show Old Friends.
Just get in touch by using the contact email below and we will send you a playlist starter pack to help you build a playlist with your loved ones, send a copy to us and we will produce a premenant mp3 recording full of the music you have chosen. What a great way to share Christmas with someone you care for!
The benefits of a personalised playlist
Over two decades of scientific research has shown that listening to a personalised playlist can improve the lives of those living with dementia. In fact, listening to music that is personally meaningful has many psychological benefits, meaning anyone can benefit from a playlist. Personalised playlists can:
reduce anxiety
improve your mood
make difficult tasks more manageable
evoke memories that can help families and carers connect.
Playlist for Life harnesses the powerful effects of personal music to help anyone who is affected by dementia, their families and carers. Whether it’s the music from a first dance, lullabies from childhood or a theme tune from a favourite TV show, music has the ability to take us back in time and remind us of our past, giving you that flashback feeling. Sharing your songs and memories can help people living with dementia connect with family, friends and carers.
Pam’s Story
"If I can't have music, I don't want to live. It's very necessary to my life."
When Pam’s family created a personal playlist for her during lockdown, she felt instantly uplifted by the music. She recalls memories of singing in her local concert group below.
Our website is full of free materials to help you at each stage of your playlist journey, whether you’re making a personal playlist for yourself or helping someone to make theirs. Contact Rendlesham Radio to get started.
Eric and Liz’s story
Eric and Liz were supported in making a personal playlist for Eric, who lives with dementia. He now has his own personal playlist of songs that are important to him, available whenever and wherever he wants to listen to them on his MP3 player.
Thanks to Liz and Eric for sharing this lovely story with us.
Eric enjoys having his playlist on a portable device. Unsure of how you or a loved one could listen to your own playlist? Read our advice on choosing a dementia-friendly MP3 player.
Playlist for Life Starter pack

Old Friends
Musical reminders for those living with Dementia